Our first week in Puerto Escondido is complete. My first reflective thoughts were that not much has happened in the last seven days and then I remembered … that is the way it is supposed to be.
Sunset and Cocktails Are An Everyday Staple
Our Home For The Month
The Pool Is Refreshingly Cooler Than The Ocean.
All The Necessities Are Purchased
After the initial
flurry of activity getting the condo stocked, the sorting of the usual Mexican
rental details, meeting our new neighbours, we settled into the routines of
small beach town Mexican life; morning coffee, breakfast in/breakfast out,
maybe some exercises in terms of a walk or flopping around on the floor,
deciding whether it is a pool (in) or beach (out) day, reading, visiting,
deciding on the sunset bar (perhaps the most important), followed by the choice
of dinner venues and whether music will follow or an early evening. It all flows very smoothly.
Our mid week highlight
was when brother Russ and sister-in-law Viv joined us for two weeks. They had been here once before to an
all inclusive resort week but had not been impressed. I’m sure the second experience will be much better.
Three Sibs and a Viv
Russ' First Sunset Margarita
Family Reunion at the Sunset Bar
Nightly Gathering For the Sunset
We have enjoyed several
walks but walking up to the Mercado is always a must on Wednesdays and
Saturdays. The market is permanent
but swells with local suppliers twice a week. We sampled local meats, breads and produce. As usual the sights excite and a few of
the aromas nauseate.
Constant Contrasts of Old and New
Back Home - Vegetables Washed in Bleach
We have had memorable
meals at the Paris, Turtle Bay on the Rinconada and sushi at Samarai’s at Zicatela
We also had a “small
world” experience. Travelling
partners Randy and Doreen met a couple last years in Puerto who they had
originally met in Rincon de Guyabitos (a Mexican beach town 10 degrees latitude
north). This year Jim and Linda
are staying across the street from us.
Smaller world, Jim and Linda also live in our hometown of Abbotsford and
graduated from the high school I taught at but that isn’t the “smallest world
part”. Subsequent to re-meeting
Jim and Linda, we were sitting in a street restaurant when Doreen recognized
their sister-in-law Margo’s, sister and husband walking by, Judy and Tim. Judy was originally from
Abbotsford. We invited them to
join us for dinner that night.
Later in the day we met and invited Jim and Linda to join us as
well. When we got together, Judy
and Linda recognized each other as having been close high school friends. The dinner turned into a high school
Abbotsford Reunion at the Paris
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